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Introducing Space and Time: The ZK Coprocessor for Karak

Introducing Space and Time: The ZK Coprocessor for Karak

July 31, 2024 by Karak & Space and Time


Karak is thrilled to expand its vision of universal security by integrating Space and Time as a ZK coprocessor solution to power trustless slashing and rewards for Karak Distributed Secure Services (DSS), as well as develop a DSS on Karak for its ZK-compatible indexing. Space and Time (SxT) is the verifiable compute layer that scales zero-knowledge proofs on a decentralized data warehouse to deliver trustless data processing to smart contracts, LLMs, and enterprises. Space and Time joins indexed blockchain data from major chains with offchain datasets. Proof of SQL, the novel ZK-proof developed by Space and Time, ensures tamperproof computations at scale and proves that query results haven’t been manipulated.

A Distributed Secure Service (DSS) is a decentralized service built on Karak, leveraging restaked assets as universal security for the services it provides. The DSS framework is inherently flexible, extensible, and scalable, making it suitable for everything from basic utilities, like calculators, to sophisticated networks, such as DA marketplaces and ZK Coprocessors. As DSSs onboard, one of the most critical pieces of information Karak requires is how to prove slashings on-chain. Space and Time allows for slashing logic to be defined much faster, ultimately allowing for DSSs to be built and launched much faster.

Additionally, SxT is building a DSS for its blockchain indexing service so that community members can easily run indexing nodes in the SxT network. In the case of Space and Time, building a DSS is a perfect fit, especially for use cases such as decentralized data indexing which require the highest levels of security, incentive alignment, and decentralization.

This strategic integration accelerates our vision for universal security and with Space and Time’s capabilities extended to indexing data for other DSSs as well. We look forward to sharing more in the coming months as we continue to push the boundaries of security and efficiency.

Decentralized Verifiable Compute Network

The Space and Time network enables any smart contract to retrieve and validate blockchain data across a wide range of major blockchains. Smart contracts can query blockchain data using SQL statements that can be validated on-chain with zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs.




  1. Karak slashing contract calls the Space and Time relayer contract with the desired SQL statement it wants to verify.
  2. The Space and Time relayer contract emits an event containing the query job details.
  3. Space and Time network operators, running ZK-compatible indexing nodes (this service is also deployed as a DSS), detect the query job emission on the source chain.
  4. After event validation, the Space and Time network routes the job to an available operator in the Space and Time prover network.
  5. The operator executes the query, generates a ZK proof, and creates a cryptographic commitment on the queried data.
  6. The operator then sends these components back to the Space and Time relayer contract on the source chain via a relayed transaction.
  7. The Space and Time relayer contract verifies the query result and delivers it to the original Karak slashing contract through a callback function.
  8. Karak’s slashing contract uses the query result to determine how much to slash a certain DSS.


  1. Relayer Contract: Receives SQL query requests, emits events for the Space and Time network, and verifies and delivers query results.
  2. Space and Time Network (Operators): Indexes onchain DSS activities (such as completed jobs) and monitors query job events, routing them to available prover operators within the Space and Time network.
  3. Space and Time Network (Provers): Execute queries, generate ZK proofs, and send results back to the relayer contract.


Karak is built for developers by developers. Integrating Space and Time on Karak accelerates the vision of universal, verifiable security for every developer, everywhere. If you want to build on the Space and Time DSS, are considering building a DSS, or if you are already building a DSS on Karak, please reach out!

About Karak

Karak is the universal, verifiable cloud platform that makes it easy to provide universal security with any asset on any network, and unlocks a new design space for developers to seamlessly and securely create innovative distributed networks. Karak is designed to be inherently flexible, extensible, and scalable, making it the only platform for any distributed service to be secured with any asset on any network.

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About Space and Time

Space and Time (SxT) is the verifiable compute layer that scales zero-knowledge proofs on a decentralized data warehouse to deliver trustless data processing to smart contracts, LLMs, and enterprises. Space and Time joins indexed blockchain data from major chains with offchain datasets. Proof of SQL, the novel ZK-proof developed by Space and Time, ensures tamperproof computations at scale and proves that query results haven’t been manipulated. Space and Time is trusted by the most prominent financial institutions, enterprises, and Web3 apps.

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